Friday, January 18, 2013

Aiushtha - the Enchantrees

Aiushtha - the Enchantrees

Aiushtha - the Enchantrees

Aiushtha - the Enchantrees-Although all Dryads are Cenarius' daughters, Aiushtha is said to be his first and favorite. Because of her direct relation to him, she has Borrowed much of his powers. This is demonstrated by her control over the shy Wisps roomates she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, she fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further her a target is away. Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent Attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease.


Many underestimate Aiushta, as they say aiushta hero contest, garbage, etc.. That's because they do not know just when to play it right.

Aiushtha including the hero of the most hard to kill because it has a slower skill, the ability to control the tank unit, the ability to reduce enemy attack speed a touch, and the most important is the ability to regenerate HP very quickly even faster than the witch doctor.

The ultimate ? It's name impetus. Arrow which can damage is very amused, but also can be very SICK, depending on how long the arrow fly. Well Instead of long, straight passable, because all the information you need to play aiushtha in this guide.

Advantages and Disadvantages


1. Very detrimental and frustrating enemy One line with arly heroes such as Zeus, etc.
2. With a range that far, it's hard touched the enemy attacks
3. Is deadly to all hero range, let alone the type of agility.
4. Quite effective against melee agility hero, and a hero strenght.
5. One of the best defensive hero with skill.


1.Like most INT heroes, HP and armor that slightly
2. Bad status (STR, AGI, INT) even though INT, The MP is very little
3. Always Targeted Instant Kill. Such as lagoons, FOD, suicide squad, and Dagon
4. His ultimate could be blocked by orb effect.



Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack. Duration 3 seconds (passive)
Level 1 - 20% IAS reduction for the attacker
Level 2 - 50% IAS reduction for the attacker
Level 3 - 80% IAS reduction for the attacker
Level 4 - 110% IAS reduction for the attacker
This skill is the most difficult role to make aiushtha touch let alone killed.


Brings the target unit under control of Aiushtha. If the unit can not be converted, it will be slowed instead. 5.5 seconds (Hero Slow), 80 seconds (Creep Possession). Manna cost 65. Casting range 700.
Level 1 - Possession (Creep), 20% slow (Hero)
Level 2 - Possession (Creep), 30% slow (Hero)
Level 3 - Possession (Creep), 40% slow (Hero)
Level 4 - Possession (Creep), 50% slow (Hero)

Nature's Attendants

Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 300 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec. AOE 300
Level 1 - Releases 3 Wisps. 125 Mana cost
Level 2 - Releases 5 Wisps. 140 Mana cost
Level 3 - Releases 7 Wisps. 155 Mana cost
Level 4 - Releases 9 Wisps. 170 Mana cost
Here it is the fastest HP regenerations skill in DotA, wispnya sm ga bs stopped any (dummy unit), this wisp Why heal all units in 300 AoE.


Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, Causing them to deal greater damage the further away the targets is. Damage type is Pure.cooldown 0 seconds. (Can autocast)
Level 1 - Deals 15% of the distance in damage. Mana cost 55
Level 2 - Deals 20% of the distance in damage.Mana cost 60
Level 3 - Deals 25% of the distance in damage.Mana cost 65

Casting Range: 550 (715 *)

* With Aghanim's Scepter
Damage impetus pure, pure alias and not reduced armor, or whatever. Can still attack spell imune, tp apt just plain attack, not damage dr impetus.

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